Social Media Management


Increase digital presence, engage audiences, and build awareness through strategic social media content and community management.


Savills Place delivers Social media management to Bh2 Leisure over 12-month period, services include:

Monthly Content Planning & Creation:
Tailored content to align with goals and strategies.
Content creation for social platforms.
Content Scheduling:
Scheduling to ensure optimal timing and reach based on platform (sprout social) analytics
Consistent posting frequency for sustained engagement.
Tenant Liaison:
Improved communication with tenants.
Response to tenants' ad hoc requests and ensure equal share of voice.
Local Community Engagement:
Communicated with local bids on events
Highlighted and engaged with the local community
Community Management:
Swift and responsive customer interaction 364 days a year:
Proactive measures to resolve issues for customers.
Monthly & Quarterly KPI Reports:
Comprehensive performance reports for insights and improvements.
Tracked key metrics to measure the success of the social media strategy.
Management and General Housekeeping of All Social Accounts:
Actively managed followers and engagement on various platforms.
Monitored and made updates to social media platforms


Management of social media year-round which significantly increased awareness and engagement of the scheme that aligns with marketing strategy objectives. Achieved positive customer interactions that can be seen through excellent mystery shopping reports.